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                Company News

                Company News

                PULISI invites you to visit the label packaging and printing exhibition in Chicago, USA

                Release date:2022-08-15

                The Chicago Label Printing Exhibition will be held from September 13th to 15th, 2022 at the Stephens Convention Center in Chicago, United States. The Pulisi team will participate in this exhibition, and new and old friends are welcome to visit the exhibition for consultation.





                The Chicago Label Printing Exhibition is the largest event in the label and packaging printing industry in the Americas. There will be label makers from all over the Americas to visit and learn about new technologies, find new suppliers and buy new machines.


                The exhibition will include working machinery, cutting-edge technology, multi-substrate printing presses, digital printing presses, laser die-cutting, RFID, prepress and plate making, in-line decoration systems, multi-process ink systems, VIP substrates, high-tech labels Materials, films and other machinery and equipment, materials and processes, etc.


                AOBEAD digital uv printing machine is suitable for most film materials, such as PET/PVC/PP/PE/BOPP and other films, some paper materials: synthetic paper, coated paper and aluminum foil and other special materials. The advantages are also obvious. This machine can meet the demands of customized and small batched order, which fully meets the diversified needs of the market at this stage.





                For ten years, Pulisi has been on the road of innovation all the time. Recently, we delivered a newly developed AOBEAD digital uv printing and cold foil stamping machine, which is an original model in the industry. Flexo printing, varnishing, stamping, flexible, no need stamping plate required! Brand new machine, printing and stamping in one step, Increase color vibrancy, making your products more attractive!



                Samples printed by AOBEAD digital cold foil stamping machine



                AOBEAD UV digital printing and cold foil stamping integrated machine delivered to the customer's company


                For specific equipment details, you can participate in the Chicago Label Printing Exhibition, and we will have samples and printing samples on display. Welcome to the booth 5933 below for consultation, we will have professionals to help you answer relevant questions. Or come to our Guangzhou headquarters to visit and consult, we will have a special person to receive you, introduce and make free sample for you.

