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                Company Profile

                Company Profile

                Guangzhou Pulisi Technology Co., LTD

                National "Specialized, Specialized and New" Little Giant Enterprise, National High-tech Enterprise,

                Guangzhou PULISI Technology Co., LTD,is a national high-tech enterprise and Guangdong Province Machine Vision System Engineering Technology Research Center with AI intelligent manufacturing technology application, machine vision system overall solution and intelligent manufacturing production as the core technology and Guangdong Machine Vision System Engineering Technology Research Center. PULISI has accumulated experience in intelligent manufacturing equipment for nearly ten years, and now it has transformed from the overall solution of machine vision system to the R&D center of intelligent manufacturing production integrated supply chain. It has It has become an industry leader in the field of digital intelligence and advanced manufacturing industry applications, integrating "digital printing, quality inspection, information collection management and automated production line integration applications".

                Guangzhou Pulisi Technology Co., LTD
                Guangzhou Pulisi Technology Co., LTD

                During the development period of nearly ten years, PULISI has been awarded more than one hundred patents for knowledge products, nearly ten foreign patents. It has participated in the formulation of three national standards/industry standards. The company’s four devices have been recognized as "High and New Technology Products of Guangdong Province". In addition, the chairman of the board, Mr. Lin Xiaobo, has been honored as "Leading Entrepreneurial and Innovative Talent of Guangzhou Development Zone" and "Excellent Talent of Huangpu District, Guangzhou (Certificate A)".

                With the company's rapid development and business demand, PULISI develops and applies the overall solutions in digital printing industry, packaging printed products industry, IOT RFID industry, 3C electronics industry, automotive dashboard industry, garment accessories industry, FBC soft display and other industries, which effectively and efficiently help customers to enhance the level of automated production, improve quality management inspection, improve product production quality and save production costs.

                Guangzhou Pulisi Technology Co., LTD
                Guangzhou Pulisi Technology Co., LTD
                With the company's rapid development and business demand, PULISI develops and applies the overall solutions in digital printing industry, packaging printed products industry, IOT RFID industry, 3C electronics industry, automotive dashboard industry, garment accessories industry, FBC soft display and other industries, which effectively and efficiently help customers to enhance the level of automated production, improve quality management inspection, improve product production quality and save production costs.