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                Quality Control Type

                Elf Series Standard digital printing machine DSMART-220

                Elf Series Standard digital printing machine DSMART-220

                Performance Characteristics

                1. Entry-level digital printing machine to ensure customer invest equipment at a very low cost, meanwhile can help customer reduce plate-making cost and material loss;

                2. The equipment occupies a small area, saves production space, and makes the equipment easy to install and maintain;
                3. It is easy to achieve quantum cloud code, full-color variable code and dot matrix code printing, one label and one code, meeting the industrial demand of security traceability.

                Case video

                Elf Series Standard digital printing machine DSMART-220
                Elf Series Standard digital printing machine DSMART-220
                Maximum resolution
                Spraying speed
                Material width range
                Material thickness size
                Ink type
                UV ink
                Ink configuration
                CMYK four-color as standard (white is optional)
                Maximum detection accuracy
                Relative humidity
                40%-60%(no condensation)
                Ambient temperature
                Power supply requirement
                Equipment weight
                Equipment size

                Applicable industries

                Applicable materials
                Film: PET/PVC/PP/PE/BOPP and other films
                Paper: synthetic paper, coated paper and aluminum foil and other special materials

                Applicable label industries