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                Digital Type

                Effect Series Two Station UV Digital Cold AOBEAD, the Sub-brand of  foil Stamping Machine DCFS-330

                Effect Series Two Station UV Digital Cold AOBEAD, the Sub-brand of foil Stamping Machine DCFS-330

                Performance Characteristics

                Double-station bronzing can increase the double effect and double bronzing on the same image printed document at one time, realizing multi-color and multiple bronzing effects, and increasing more possibilities for label personalization.

                Case video

                Effect Series Two Station UV Digital Cold AOBEAD, the Sub-brand of  foil Stamping Machine DCFS-330
                Effect Series Two Station UV Digital Cold AOBEAD, the Sub-brand of  foil Stamping Machine DCFS-330
                Maximum resolution
                Bronzing speed
                Material width range
                Material thickness size
                Bronzing method
                digital cold perm
                Relative humidity
                40%-60%(no condensation)
                Ambient temperature
                Power supply requirement
                Equipment weight
                Equipment size

                Applicable industries

                One-stop service solution

                Independent product model, cooperate with various printing processes such as offset printing, silk screen printing, gravure printing, etc. to achieve post-press efficiency and enhance the added value of products, especially suitable for daily chemical labels, wine labels, wine box packaging, and better cosmetic packaging. Efficient printing.

                From soft shrink materials to uncoated substrates

                Highly variable UV coating 3D synergies and digital cold foil synergies can be achieved to create 3D stereoscopic effects and shiny metallic luster for prints.