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                Home > SUENASE


                Fully automatic electronic product label 100% quality inspection machine  EIM-220

                Fully automatic electronic product label 100% quality inspection machine EIM-220

                Performance Characteristics

                1. Specially designed tension-free double-roll system, will not produce overflow glue and other problems on the product at the same time double-roll arbitrary switching with more efficient replacement of rolls set. The implementation of re-inspection operations allows the maximum efficiency to improve quality control.
                2. The use of pure suction fixed paper walking platform, so that the paper walking more smoothly and will not scratch the surface of the test label.

                Maximum detection speed
                Material width range
                Image acquisition resolution
                4K color camera: 0.08mm (width) × 0.08mm (length) 8K color camera: 0.04mm (width) × 0.04mm (length)
                Maximum detection accuracy
                Minimum color difference accuracy
                ? E≥3
                Maximum winding diameter
                Maximum unwinding diameter
                Maximum unwinding load weight
                Machine weight
                Machine size

                Applicable industries
                 Applicable label types: RFID industrial field, anti-counterfeit detection, lithium batteries, 3C electronics and other industries
                Applicable label materials: non-transparent labels, transparent labels, PVC, OPP, holographic, laser, camera-visible oil, film
                Detectable defects: deficiency, dirty spots, die-cutting, inaccurate registration, color difference, scratches, hot stamping silver, camera-visible bubbles, camera-visible overflow glue.
                Variable information detection types
                One-dimensional code detection: CODE128, ITF, CDDE39, CDDE93, EAN8, UPCA, UPCE, CODABAR
                Two-dimensional code detection: OR, DM, PDF417
                Variable information law detection: equivalence, sequence, empty number, heavy number, wrong number, bad code

                Applicable industries