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                Company News

                Company News

                AOBEAD Multi-material Printing Effect Display

                Release date:2022-12-17

                The digital exhibition hall established by our company has been officially opened to the public for half a year! The original intention of the establishment is to simplify and order complex pre-press problems, and quickly meet the personalized digital printing services of new and old customers with their own materials or specified needs.


                The multifunctional digital printing machine DPIM-330 is widely applicable to various printing materials, such as: pearlescent film, synthetic paper, BOPP, transparent PE, glossy silver, matte silver, aluminum foil and other special materials, which fully demonstrates that the DPIM series can cope with various printing materials. Flexibility and applicability in digital production jobs. At the same time, various configurations such as coating and varnish can be selected to meet the needs of different printing quality. 


                AOBEAD UV inkjet digital printing machine 



                AOBEAD UV digital cold foil stamping machine DCFS-330, no need hot stamping plate, no need glazing plate, no need mirror plate for embossing, all digital operation. The variable flexibility of UV digital cold foil stamping saves the time for finalizing the draft and the cost of sample making for customers, and truly realizes the digitalization of metallic colors. It can realize the superimposed application of various post-press processes such as cold stamping, 3D embossing height, part varnish, secondary tracing printing and cold foil stamping, etc., making the post-press pattern clear and beautiful, with long-lasting gloss, and the brightness and thickness of bronzing are far better than traditional print.


                AOBEAD UV digital cold foil stamping machine



                #Sample display#



                So far, the two machines in the exhibition hall have printed more than 5 million+ meters of samples, served more than 1000+ customers, and radiated customers from more than a dozen countries and regions... Some of the sample proofing effects far exceeded expectations, which is very impressive and stunning. The editor deliberately picked some special ones (special materials or special craftsmanship) for everyone to identify together.

                Sample 1: Aluminum foil outer packaging


                Customer area: South Korea


                Customer requirements: handwriting is clear and not blurred, UV ink is safe and environmentally friendly


                Application range: pharmaceutical labe


                Printing material: aluminum foil


                Printing process: CMYK


                Finished product display:



                Sample 2: Golden Phoenix


                Customer area: China


                Customer requirements: clear lines, gorgeous bronzing effect


                Application range:hand account, pure display, etc.


                Printing material: white PE


                Printing process:CMYK+varnish+bronzing


                Finished product display:



                Sample 3: Outer packaging of health care products


                Customer area: China


                Customer requirements: Customer requirements: clear writing, safe and environmentally friendly UV ink


                Application range: health care products.


                Printing material:  bright silver


                Printing process:CMYK+white+reverse varnish


                Finished product display:



                Sample4: Electronic anti-counterfeiting label


                Customer area: China


                Customer requirements: clear handwriting, bronzing embossing effect is obvious


                Application range: 3C electronics


                Printing material:  synthetic paper


                Printing process:CMYK+ bronzing


                Finished product display:



                Sample5:colorful phoenix (pure display)


                Customer area: China


                Customer requirements: clear lines, gorgeous cold foil stamping effect


                Application range: hand account, display, etc.


                Printing material:  white PE


                Printing process:CMYK+varnish+cold foil stamping


                Finished product display:



                Sample6:Wine Label


                Customer area: China


                Customer requirements: clear lines, bright colors without color difference


                Application range: beverages, alcohol, etc.


                Printing material:  bright silver


                Printing process:CMYK+white


                Finished product display:




                After reading these exquisite samples, are you also moved? This is only part of it. If you need to make samples and consult related machines, you can contact our professionals. If you want to see other material samples, you can also leave a message and let me know. see you next time.





                Sales Director of China
                Director Song    182-2146-6766


                Global unified after-sales supervisor of digital printing machines

                Supervisor Liu    185-7834-7960