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                Company News

                Company News

                PULISI unveiled at LABELEXPO INDIA 2022, further building a global sales chain.

                Release date:2022-11-17

                The 2022 India International Label Printing Exhibition, which will be held from November 10 to 13, 2022, has come to a successful conclusion. At this exhibition, Pulisi had friendly exchanges with global customers, further building and stabilizing the global sales chain.




                Exhibition Day



                AOBEAD DPIM-330 series multifunctional digital printing machine exhibited on site


                At this exhibition, the Pulisi team exhibited 2 machines, 1 full-servo quality inspection machine, and 1 multi-functional digital printing machine. After the exhibition, this multifunctional digital printing machine will be delivered directly to the Indian customer site.






                Russian agent team and Indian agent


                This is our UV Inkjet digital printing machine shown at Labelexpo India first time. All of new and old customers around the world are impressed by machine appearance and performances. They observed and learned the machine very carefully from the machine performance, application, materails etc. Attracted by our exquisite sample booklets and sent artwark to print for them.  After our Indian showroom is built, they  will visit the exhibition hall and see our machine & equipments.  PULISI has attracted a large number of potential customers from abroad with our own strength. We believe that they are conquered by China's intelligent manufacturing at that moment.




                Group photo of Russian agents and multifunctional digital printing machin


                Customers from Algeria also came to the site, had a friendly exchange with our Indian agent, and ordered a multi-functional digital printing machine and a full-servo automatic quality inspection machine on site. 


                The Russian agent also brought their team to visit the machine on site and took a photo with the machine enthusiastically. And quickly placed an order and ordered a multifunctional digital printing machine.



                Indian agents and Bangladeshi customers


                As a leader in China's visual inspection application industry and a rising star in the overall application solution of piezoelectric inkjet technology, Pulisi was also affirmed and appreciated by the organizers of the LMAI Label Awards 2022 awards ceremony. At the awards ceremony, five or six hundred people watched the promotional video of Pulisi at the same time, allowing the excellent Chinese manufacturing brand of Pulisi to be implanted in the hearts of more customers at home and abroad. 

                In the future, we will take India as the springboard to further build and stabilize the global integrated sales network, and radiate our products and equipment to more countries and regions, so that they can experience and use the high-end digital printing equipment manufactured by Pulisi and fall in love with China's manufacturing.



                Group photo of Indian agents and the organizer



                 Equipment display



                PULISI Full Servo Automatic Quality Inspection Machine PAIM-370






                The software is easy to operate, and the product quality inspection standard template can be quickly established, and the product quality standard template of the same batch can be directly retrieved and reused;

                The detection function is complete. In addition to detecting conventional printing defects, it also has the function of detecting defects such as air bubbles, scratches, and overflowing glue;

                Full servo design, the whole machine is independently controlled by five servos, with high precision, longer service life, maintenance-free, and fast troubleshooting;

                Three-dimensional LED light source system, with a patented three-dimensional LED light source system, which makes defect detection more applicable.


                AOBEAD UV inkjet digital printing machine 






                Automatic print head cleaning function, one key to start automatic cleaning;


                Comparable to the traditional excellent quality output, the application of multi-level ink droplet technology optimizes the printing precision of the label, and the ultra-real simulation spot color full color output;


                Support variable data high-speed printing, code reading and recognition, and easily realize variable data printing such as one-dimensional code, two-dimensional code, serial number, dot matrix code, etc.;


                Added the post-press inspection quality control system, simplify redundant operations, easy to understand, and improve job processing speed.



                Our headquarters factory in Guangzhou also has a variety of digital printing and testing related equipment such as sheet cutting machines, full-servo automatic inspection machine with peeling & replacing function, multifunctional UV digital printing machine, digital cold foil stamping machines, etc.. Welcome new and old friends from all over the world to visit Guangzhou to visit machinery and equipment, custom machines, and we supply free sample making service. 





                In the future, Pulisi will continue to build a global integrated sales and service platform, oriented by customer needs, and produce machinery and equipment that meet customer needs and are higher than industry standards, helping global Indian companies improve factory efficiency and double production capacity; for their production and services to bring more assistance and protection.