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                Company News

                Company News

                Digital winter maintenance cheats (recommended collection)

                Release date:2022-12-17

                Digital printing machine





                With the advent of the cold wave, the whole country ushered in a big drop in temperature, and Guangdong has also become a "wide freeze". Winter is here, and because the overall ambient temperature is relatively low and relatively dry, the operation and printing of the machine are not as smooth as in other seasons. The editor specifically consulted professionals and gave some suggestions on how to maintain the machine in winter to print better results.


                Boot up and warm up.

                The temperature is low in winter. After turning on the digital printing machine every day, do not print directly. Let the machine warm up for 10-15 minutes before putting it into use.



                Increase the temperature and humidity of the workshop.

                The general temperature is 20-24°C and the humidity is 60%-70%, which is more suitable for machine work.



                Remove ink curing.


                Due to low temperature, dry air, and high viscosity, UV inks are prone to incomplete curing, resulting in reduced ink color stability. The solution is: you can heat the ink in advance or add additives or varnishes to the ink to increase the fluidity of the ink, and then turn on the machine.


                PS: Before the ink in the main ink tank of the equipment is used up, the spare ink should be taken out of the warehouse and placed next to the equipment at least 24 hours in advance, so that the temperature of the spare ink and the ink in the main ink tank can be close when replacing the ink.



                Eliminate static electricity.


                 In winter, the humidity is low, the air is dry, and static electricity is easy to generate, which will lead to a decline in printing quality. If the equipment does not have good anti-static measures, or there is no grounding wire, the injected ink droplets will deviate from the direction due to static electricity, causing "flying ink" " or "splashing ink" phenomenon, the print quality will be seriously reduced. Therefore, it is necessary to take anti-static measures for the equipment at ordinary times.



                Dust removal.


                The dry environment in winter will cause dust to easily adhere to the surface of the material, and under the action of static electricity, further adhere to the surface of the print head, causing printing quality problems. Increasing the relative humidity in the room reduces dust. At the same time, do dust removal from time to time, at least once a week, including ink cartridges, waste ink cartridges, print heads, etc.



                Increase lubrication.


                The grease on the screw guide rail is not lubricated enough due to the cold weather, first wipe the screw guide rail with alcohol, and then apply clean lubricating oil evenly to ensure the smooth operation of the machine.



                Water cooling system.


                Northern customers need to replace the water-cooling circulation system of UV machines with antifreeze, and southern customers can consider it as appropriate.





                The above are some suggestions and skills for the maintenance of digital printing presses in winter. I hope they can help you. There are other things you want to know.,please leave me a message. See you next time~