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                Company News

                Company News

                PULISI won two "Leader" certifications of enterprise standards in 2023.

                Release date:2023-02-10

                On June 1, 2022, the State Administration for Market Regulation issued the Announcement (No. 14, 2022) on the Key Areas of the "Top Runner" Implementation of Enterprise Standards in 2022, increasing the number of key areas to 240. As of January 13, 2023, a total of 80 key areas and 334 top-runner product corporate standard "top-runner" lists have been released, with a total of 1,047 corporate standards from 659 companies on the list.


                In the related fields of the packaging and printing industry, a total of 23 products have released the list of enterprise standard "leaders", and a total of 46 enterprise standards of 37 enterprises have been listed. Guangzhou Pulisi was honored on the list, and won 2 "leaders" of enterprise standards in the field of "special printing equipment".




                Guangzhou Pulisi Technology Co., Ltd. has paid great attention to innovation and research and development since its inception. The full-servo automatic inspection machine and AOBEAD multi-functional digital printing machine produced by Pulisi has been closely following the market since the beginning of research and development. Whether it is the quality of the machine or the related supporting use system, we will continue to improve the user experience from the perspective of the user. . We believe that our hard work will eventually be seen by everyone, and we thank the industry for its recognition again.


                We will shoulder the glory, continue to work hard, improve customer experience, and develop machinery and equipment for the industry that is higher than the industry standard and exceeds customer expectations.