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                Company News

                Company News

                At home, four machines are on display at the same time. PULISI sincerely invites customers from all over the world to participate in the South China Exhibition.

                Release date:2023-02-22


                2023 China International Label Printing Exhibition (hereinafter referred to as: South China Label Printing Exhibition) ,will be held in Zone A of Guangzhou China Import and Export Trade Exhibition Hall, taking the lead in launching the annual "must come" industry event for domestic and foreign label people!


                PULISI is invited to participate in this exhibition, and will take our latest new research & development machine debut SINO LABEL 2023, warmly & sincerely invite you to visit our booth hall 5.2 No. C01!




                In 2022, on the 10th anniversary of the establishment of PULISI, PULISI Brands have completed major upgrade; In 2023, PULISI is ready to make further achievements! The PULISI booth will be upgraded again! During this exhibition, you can feel the superiority of machines and the considerate service from PULISI.




                Machine upgrade - innovative models and classic models,      match and complete each other to meet the needs of all parties.


                PULISI make big event again!

                Blockbuster machine, 

                surprise the world!



                What is it?

                Details can be found at the PULISI booth!



                A Digital Model that captures 30% of the domestic high-end printing press market as soon as it was launched, with a favorable rating of over 95%


                AOBEAD Multifunctional Digital Printing Machine

                Double Stations Digital bronzing, achieving multiple bronzing effect one time & improving efficiency


                AOBEAED Double-- stations UV Digital Bronzing Machine

                Add Rewinding & Inspection function module, ensure roll of label 100% quality.


                PULISI SPRINT full servo inspection machine

                AOBEAD Multifunctional Digital Printing Machine





                Booth construction upgrade — Appearance is more cool and space layout is more reasonable


                Hall 5.2-C01




                Hosting and reception upgrading


                PULISI invite hosts of mobile channel of Guangdong TV Station and Guangdong Radio & Television Station to preside and interact with guests in English & Chinese.


                What more, there are foreign beauty models to welcome guests. 


                Domestic and foreign sales team are all there and ready to give you the most intimate & detailed explanation!




                Refreshments upgrading


                Invite professional tea chefs to exhibition site, exquisite western desserts, Chinese black tea, Italian coffee.... Refreshments upgrade already, PULISI sincerely invite you to our booth to discuss industry trends and the latest industry technologies.





                Surprising: gift is ready for every guest on the scene

                On-site consultation, pay attention to PULISI public number, have a surprise gift!




                Channel upgrade: Live broadcast

                For customers who can't come to the exhibition for various reasons, don't worry. You can watch the live broadcast through official channels. We also will broadcast live at different times during these three days of the exhibition.



                Check in. Official procedure


                Participate in the exhibition, make an appointment and register through the official link of South China Printing Label Exhibition and inquire more about the surrounding situation of the exhibition.


                English registration:https://www.sinolabelexpo.com/LAB23/preregistration/eng/visitor_pre-registration/