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                Company News

                Company News

                Exhibition style, innovative double booths, stunning appearance of 850mm large and wide machines, and frequent news of PULISI.

                Release date:2023-04-26

                On April 11-15, 2023, the 5th China (Guangdong) International Printing Technology Exhibition came to an end in Dongguan, Guangzhou. PuliSi has once again set its own transaction record, marking a successful conclusion to this exhibition with 3 precision Epic series wide width devices and 10 elite series digital machines.




                On April 11-15, 2023, the 5th China (Guangdong) International Printing Technology Exhibition came to an end in Dongguan, Guangdong. PuliSi has once again set its own transaction record, marking a successful conclusion to this exhibition with 3 precision Epic series wide width devices and 10 elite series digital machines.




                Innovate the dual booth model and gain popularity from all parties.




                Digital prepress exhibition area - Hall 1, 1-1296; The 850mm wide Epic series machine debuted at the exhibition for the first time, Double-station UV Digital cold Foil Stamping machine that can be turned on at once and meet multiple functions; Label Printing Exhibition Area - Hall 6, 6-1216; The multifunctional digital printing machine DPIM and best-selling model SPRINT quality inspection machine have attracted both new and old customers to watch.



                Refreshing the industry's 850mm wide format one pass UV inkjet printing machine Epic series was released, with industry leaders helping to unveil the live broadcast!



                At the event site, three precision steel series equipment were also signed. Thank you for the customer's recognition, which greatly boosted the confidence of PULISI research team and allowed us to continue working hard.



                Highlight 3: 4 different models of equipment are on display simultaneously, and both exhibition halls are experiencing explosive sales, breaking new records for PULISI at the exhibition!



                The large and wide precision Epic series equipment developed by Hall 1 has been recognized by multiple customers, and three machines have been successfully signed on site. The elite series of equipment exhibited in Hall 6 has benefited from the fermentation of reputation in recent years, and nearly 10 units have been signed on site. Even more Spanish customers who arrived at the site from afar, after years of inspection by Pulisi, came to the headquarters of Guangzhou Pulisi for negotiations and successfully signed a Spanish agency, laying a solid foundation for Pulisi's entry into the Western European market.








                Exquisite refreshments, beautiful hosts, stylish exterior models, PULISI is dedicated to serving global customers



                Equipment display


                850mm wide format one pass UV inkjet printing machine—Epic series






                Full digital information transmission, no need for plate making, one piece to start printing, Seamless connection to the next order; printing width 850mm~1500mm, Print format size can be switched freely, industrialized flexible production, covering printed signs, banners, posters, exhibition graphics, wallpapers, murals, flags , textiles, fine craft graphics, billboards, etc., have attracted much attention due to its wide format, huge production capacity, exquisite quality comparable to offset printing, excellent paper adaptability, and digital changeability.


                Double-station UV Digital cold Foil Stamping machine DCFS-330B—— Effect Series






                It can achieve digital efficiency process effects such as cold foil stamping, 3D Convex Stacking, spot varnish, secondary post-printing and cold foil stamping, without plate making, and at the same time, the printed pattern is clear and beautiful, long-lasting gloss, and the brightness and thickness of the stamping is far better than that of traditional printing. It is especially suitable for efficiency printing of daily chemical labels, wine labels, wine box packaging and relatively high-quality cosmetics packaging.

                Multifunctional Digital Printing Machine DPIM——Elite Series






                It has strong industrial scalability and can realize wide-format printing from 220mm to 520mm, and can be selected according to customer needs.

                Front flexo printing module, flexo cold foil stamping, printing custom spot colors (purple, orange, green), digital cold stamping/digital varnish, slitting module, lamination module, defect quality management system, etc.; digital printing + post-press can be integrated Bronzing/Varnish increases efficiency, saves process time and proofing costs for customers, and realizes digitalization of metallic colors at one time.

                Full Servo Automatic Inspection Machine SPRINT Series






                As a classic popular product inspection model of Pulisi, its practicability and efficiency have be en unanimously recognized by domestic and foreign customers.This equipment integrates quality inspection and high-speed slitting, fully servo independent control, long service life, maintenance-free, and an integrated thickened steel plate body to ensure the stability of equipment operation. A single testing machine can replace at least 5 quality inspection workers, effectively saving labor costs.


                This equipment integrates quality inspection and high-speed slitting, fully servo independent control, long service life, maintenance-free, and an integrated thickened steel plate body to ensure the stability of equipment operation. A single testing machine can replace at least 5 quality inspection workers, effectively saving labor costs.







                In the past eleventh years, Pulisi has a deep understanding of digital inkjet technology and machine vision AOI equipment and many years of practical application. Now it has achieved independent research and development and manufacturing of the entire industry. The core technology, integrating excellent platforms and scheme integration capabilities, and providing comprehensive solutions such as pre-printing processing, printing, quality control, ink and other full -process end -to -end , bringing customers a continuous stable, safer and more reliable return on investment.


                In the era of digitalization, in Pulisi, the personalized printing scheme of "one piece to start printing, every printing is different " becomes a reality; In Pulisi, make more automated, more flexible and more efficient technologies and equipment to respond to the diversified and personalized needs of the market.