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                Company News

                Company News

                LABELEXPO MOXICO 2023, PULISI machine landed in the North American market.

                Release date:2023-06-07




                LABELEXPO MOXICO 2023


                PULISI machines make a stunning debut at LABELEXPO MOXICO 2023 during 27th ~29th April, which has laid a strong foundation for entering into the North America and surrounding markets.

                ORDER SITE

                PULISI showed Elite series digital printing machine with six colors and got customers’ recognition, one of our Peru customer bought our digital printing machine and signed contract at exhibition directly, machine will be delivered to customer’s site after the end of this exhibition.







                During the three-day exhibition, PULISI greeted new and old friends from the global industry to visit and consult at booth E18. PULISI sub-brand OABEAD Elite series digital machine gets praise and recognition from northern Europe and global customers with its own strength & technical Highlights. The on-site printing wonderful job aroused the oncoming eyes of customers in North America, and customers were amazed by the finished marvelous products.





                Unique multi-stage ink drop technology optimizes the printing precision of labels, high-resolution pixels, smooth printing, and ultra-high 95% ink utilization...... Many customers plan to visit and consult the American digital showroom again after its establishment, and also attracts a number of potential global customers of AOBEAD.





                Ms. Liu Lu, general manager of PULISI, personally led the team to attend the exhibition and was invited by the organizer to attend the dinner.





                While exhibiting our products and equipment, Pulisi actively communicates with customers from all over the world, understands their business needs and opinions, and always takes customer needs as the market orientation. It is hoped that through this exhibition, Pulisi can provide more professional one-stop visual technology application service overall solutions for more companies around the world.





                In future, PULISI will establish a Show Center for the sub-brand of AOBEAD digital printing machine in the United States, which will be put into operation one month later to fully serve the North American market.


                At the exhibition site, we welcome every visiting customer with full enthusiasm and rigorous working attitude, and provide high-quality consulting services. We also welcome customers from all over the world to come to Guangzhou headquarters for consultation, visit and making free printing sample.