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                Company News

                Company News

                PULISI invites you to attend Hanoi International Printing and Packaging Industry Exhibition.

                Release date:2023-06-07

                The 11th Vietnam Hanoi International Rubber, Printing and Packaging Industry Exhibition will be held at the Hanoi International Convention and Exhibition Center from June 8th to 11th, 2023.  Pulisi will participate in the exhibition with its team and related materials. Welcome new and old friends Come to the exhibition to visit and consult.



                As a professional exhibition of Vietnam's plastic packaging and printing industry, the exhibition will cover the upper, middle and lower reaches of the industry, invite international exhibitors, focus on the expansion of the exhibition scale and the improvement of quality, aiming to create a more professional and international exhibition for exhibitors event.

                Scope of Exhibitors


                Printing industry: pre-press equipment, printing equipment, screen printing equipment, label printing equipment, flexo printing equipment, lamination equipment, varnish equipment, bronzing & die-cutting equipment, printing testing equipment, ink and accessories, etc.

                According to the Vietnamese market conditions and the consumption power of customers, the advertising materials we mainly carry this time include the AOBEAD DSMART-220 standard digital printing machine of the Elf series and the Suenase 220 full-servo automatic quality inspection machine.


                AOBEAD Elf series DSMART-220 

                Standard Digital Printing Machine




                Commercial printing enterprises eager to enter the label field in a more flexible way;




                Commercial printing enterprises eager to enter the label field in a more flexible way;





                And label processors who want to speed up their entry into the digital printing market or improve their product lines by adding digital printing functions. The products aims to help customers reduce plate-making costs and material losses while ensuring extremely low equipment input costs.


                This AOBEAD Elf series digital printing machine is suitable for most film materials, such as PET/PVC/PP/PE/BOPP and other films, some paper materials: synthetic paper, coated paper and aluminum foil and other special materials. The advantages are also obvious. This machine can meet the demands of customized and small batched order, which fully meets the diversified needs of the market at this stage.


                Suenase Full Servo 100% Inspection Machine FIM-220






                Reserve double-sided inspection stations;





                Accurate control of winding tension to avoid deformation of fabric labels and secondary damage to materials;




                Adopt one-piece thickened steel plate body, the body design is more compact, more humane, full servo control.



                Application industry



                Applicable label types: for clothing accessories, washing water labels, cloth label hang tags and other industries

                Applicable label materials: detection of ribbons, polyester fibers, cotton, elastic bands, ribbons and other materials

                Detectable defects: missing, dirty spots, die-cutting, inaccurate registration, color difference, scratches, hot stamping and hot silver

                Types of Variable Information Detection

                One-dimensional code detection: CODE128, ITF, CDDE39, CDDE93, EAN8, UPCA, UPCE, CODABAR

                Two-dimensional code detection: OR, DM, PDF417

                Variable information rule detection: equality, sequence, empty number, duplicate number, wrong number, bad code.

                For ten years, Pulisi has been on the road of innovation all the time.

                The Epic series large format digital printing machine made a stunning appearance at the 5th China (Guangdong) International Printing Technology Exhibition caused a storm in the industry, and the Double-station UV Digital cold Foil Stamping machine was also amazing.

                Pulisi has established its leading position in the industry with its strength.

                For specific equipment details, you can participate in the Vietnam Hanoi International Printing and Packaging Industry Exhibition and we will have samples and printing samples on display. Welcome to the booth A40 below for consultation, we will have professionals to help you answer relevant questions. Or come to our Guangzhou headquarters to visit and consult, we will have a special person to receive you, introduce and make free sample for you.