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                Company News

                Company News

                The South China Exhibition ended | PULISI is full of harvest

                Release date:2021-08-19


                This is a moment left by the 2022 China International Label Exhibition & South China International Printing Exhibition; 


                The protagonist in the photo is also about to travel thousands of miles away with the perfect ending of this exhibition, helping customers to efficiently realize various short orders and personalized label orders, and win the diversified label market!


                So what makes customers make decisions and sign orders on the spot at the exhibition? 


                Is the performance of the equipment products favored by customers? ? 


                Or the comprehensive strength of the brand makes customers more optimistic? ? 

                In this South China Exhibition, just follow the editor's route and see how PULISI is surrounded by the audience!


                The first stop

                2022 China Label Industry High Quality Development Forum



                On the morning of March 4, the 2022 China Label Industry High-Quality Development Forum with the theme of "planning for the future and creating a 'signed' future" was held in Pazhou Complex.



                At the forum, Mr. Lin Xiaobo, chairman of the board, shared the core technologies and product advantages of PULISI visual inspection and digital printing in the form of pictures, texts and videos, so that everyone present had a deeper understanding and understanding of PULISI's innovations and products.



                The second stop

                PULISI 10th Anniversary Night 2022 China Label Printing Industry Top 50 Brand Influential Awards Ceremony



                Ten years is a coordinate, a symbol, and an era. Walking on the dream, agitated for ten years, in the past ten years, PULISI has continued to innovate, continue to grow, and move forward in pursuit of dreams.


                Leaders from industry associations, terminal brand owners and colleagues from label printing companies attended the PULISI 10th Anniversary Night 2022 China Label Printing Industry Top 50 Brand Influence Award Ceremony.


                PULISI would like to thank all customers for their long-term trust and support. With the core concept of creating value through service, PULISI will continue to deepen the service details and expand the service level in the field of testing equipment and digital printing equipment, so that the majority of customers can get more value-added services.



                The third station

                All-round immersive explanation and demonstration and exhibition experience





                Prototype display area, software display area, catering and leisure bar area, each area has dedicated staff to communicate with the on-site customers in depth, and provide detailed answers. To ensure that customers can have a more in-depth sensory experience for each exhibit! !

                Thanks to PULISI's deep understanding of digital inkjet technology and machine vision AOI equipment and years of practical application, PULISI has achieved independent research and development and manufacturing in the entire industry, firmly grasping the core technologies of hardware, software, machinery, ink, testing and solutions. , integrates excellent platform and solution integration capabilities, and provides end-to-end comprehensive solutions for the whole process of prepress, printing, quality control, ink, etc., bringing customers a continuous, stable, safer and more reliable return on investment.


                In the digital age, in PULISI, the personalized printing solution of "one order is required, and each one is different" has become a reality. In PULISI, more automated, flexible and efficient technologies and equipment can respond to the diversification and individuality of the market. demand.

