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                Company News

                Company News

                PULISI Annual Meeting 2021 Review

                Release date:2021-08-19

                On January 14th, in the exhibition hall on the second floor of PULISI

                The company organized the 2021 annual staff meeting

                Report summaries in the form of department head debriefing

                And to give awards to the employees who selected the outstanding talents of the previous year

                A successful conclusion to the various work carried out by various departments this year 




                All employees read the new corporate culture 




                "Corporate culture" is the soul of an enterprise. An enterprise, only when its corporate culture is integrated into the hearts of employees can employees fully devote themselves to the enterprise, and only when employees understand the corporate culture can they move forward with the enterprise. 

                Year-end report for each department 


                At the beginning of the meeting, Chairman Mr. Lin Xiaobo first affirmed the work of all employees in 2021, and made plans for the company's business goals and work priorities in 2022.  continue to implement the enterprise sustainable development policy of "listening to the party's words, feeling the party's grateful , and following the party". 




                The year-end summary has officially started. The heads of each department will review the highlights of the work in 2021 and the completion of key tasks, summarize the problems and deficiencies, clarify the work goals and plans for the next step in 2022, and make debriefing speeches in turn. 


                After listening carefully to the debriefing, the general manager Ms. Liu Lu affirmed the achievements of various departments, and comprehensively summarized the work situation in 2021, deeply analyzed the problems and opportunities of the market environment, and carefully planned the key work arrangements for 2022. Clear and purposeful. 


                Outstanding Staff Award


                In order to thank all partners for their hard work in the past year, and to inspire everyone to continue to forge ahead in 2022, after many careful selections, 2021 PULISI gave birth to honors such as outstanding department heads, outstanding employees, best newcomers, and long-term contribution awards. 


                The crystal clear trophy, the dazzling red certificate and the generous bonus are the greatest affirmation of the hard work of these twelve partners for a year! 



                —  Excellent supervisor   —



                — Excellent staff  —



                — best newcomer  —



                — Long-term Contribution Award  —


                The stable development of the company is inseparable from the hard work of all employees. It is hoped that outstanding employees will guard against arrogance and impatience, play an exemplary role, and make persistent efforts in the future work, go all out, and strive for success. 

                Sales mobilization meeting 


                The sales journey is a war without gunpowder smoke.


                The battle for the first quarter of 2022 has begun. In this vigorous marketing battle, the belief in winning and 100% passion are the keys to winning the final victory.


                The goal is to give orders. The sales director, regional managers, and sales staff signed the sales military order in turn. The military order is like a mountain. The signature is not only a commitment, but also a responsibility and responsibility, and it also clarifies the work direction for the new year. 



                — Signing a mission order  —

                Staff birthday party 


                Birthday is the most important anniversary, and it is the mark of each of us growing up.


                In order to let the company's employees leave a sweet memory in the busy year-end; to further reflect the corporate care, let employees feel the warmth of the PULISI family, at the end of the year-end debriefing summary, under the careful organization of the general manager's office, ushered in the The semi-annual staff birthday party, carefully arranged venues and specially selected gifts, made the birthday stars have an unforgettable birthday. 





                Concentrate on your strengths, learn from things, and hope that PULISI will be full of sunshine in the new year and be as warm as ever.