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                Company News

                Company News

                Invitation 丨PULISI invites you to K-Print 2022

                Release date:2022-08-04

                The 2022 Korea Packaging and Printing Exhibition K-Print will be held on August 25, 2022 at the Korea-Seoul-Daehwa-dong Ilsan-seogu Goyang-si,Gyeonggi-do-Korea International Convention and Exhibition Center.




                Seoul Printing and Packaging Exhibition is an international exhibition certified by UFI in 2004. Since the opening of the first exhibition in 1978, the exhibition has quickly become the most influential international exhibition in South Korea. The exhibition is held every two years and is a well-known professional printing exhibition in Asia and even the world.


                As a professional printing and packaging exhibition in the industry, PULISI Technology will bring its Chinese team to participate in this exhibition together with PULISI's Agent KPM CO., LTD, and exhibit our related machines and equipments.




                The picture is for reference only, 

                the actual machine shall prevail on site.




                PULISI Full Servo Automatic Quality Inspection Machine PEAIM-350ST



                The picture is for reference only, 

                the actual machine shall prevail on site.



                AOBEAD digital printing machine is suitable for most film materials, such as PET/PVC/PP/PE/BOPP and other films, some paper materials: synthetic paper, coated paper and aluminum foil and other special materials. The advantages are also obvious. This machine can meet the demands of customized and small batched order, which fully meets the diversified needs of the market at this stage.




                The PULISI full-servo automatic quality inspection machine uses a new generation of visual defect detection software, the latest AI image algorithm and system deep learning function, and comes with a variety of defect recognition algorithms, AI feature extraction algorithms, and new micro-text positioning and recognition detection. Powerful data processing capabilities to provide customers with stable and reliable vision quality inspection machine.




                Application industry: RFID industrial field, anti-counterfeiting detection, lithium battery, 3C electronics and other industries.

                Applicable label materials: non-transparent labels, transparent labels, PVC, OPP, holographic, laser, camera visible varnish, film.

                Detectable defects type: missing, dirty spots, die-cutting, poor registration, color difference, scratches, hot stamping and silvering, camera visible bubbles, camera visible glue overflow, variable data detection.


                There is also a die-cutting machine, which will not be introduced in details. For specific equipments details, you can participate in the 2022 Korean Packaging and Printing Exhibition K-Print. Welcome to come our booth D400 for consultation, details postion show at the below picture. We will have professionals to help you answer the relevant questions. Or welcome to our Guangzhou headquarters to consult the details of the relevant equipment, and free to make printing sample for a test .




                Click to see larger picture