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                Company News

                Company News

                PULISI invites you to participate in LABELEXPO ASIA 2021

                Release date:2021-08-19

                <section powered-by="xiumi.us" style="margin: 10px 0px; padding: 0px; outline: 0px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, " helvetica="" neue",="" "pingfang="" sc",="" "hiragino="" sans="" gb",="" "microsoft="" yahei="" ui",="" yahei",="" arial,="" sans-serif;="" font-size:="" 16px;="" letter-spacing:="" 0.544px;="" text-align:="" justify;="" overflow-wrap:="" break-word="" !important;"="">

                The 2021 year-end ceremony, LABELEXPO ASIA 2021 will be grandly opened at Shanghai New International Expo Center from December 7th to 10th.

                At that time, you will have zero-distance contact and learn about the latest integrated solutions for piezoelectric digital inkjet printing and diversified machine vision AOI equipment solutions at the PULISI booth.


                一、Digital inkjet printing 

                AOBEAD Multifunctional Digital Printing Machine DPIM-330 


                The whole machine is completely independently developed and integrated by the sub-brand AOBEAD digital team of PULISI to achieve the maximum reliability and scalability of the equipment; 


                Performance highlights 


                1. Support seven-color spot color printing, Pantone color gamut coverage is more comprehensive;

                2. The ink utilization rate is over 95%, saving the cost of consumables to the greatest extent;

                3. Strengthen the super-real simulation spot color technology, which is comparable to the traditional excellent quality output;

                4. High-speed full-color variable data printing, bar code sharpness meets the requirements of accurate reading;

                5. Application of multi-level ink drop technology to achieve ultra-precise nozzle hole drop size control, with richer levels;

                6. The post-press inspection and quality control system is added, which can effectively find quality defects in high-speed printing; 


                Printing color gamut is wide enough


                The printing effect is pretty good


                Printing status is stable enough


                Printing consumables are enough to save 

                The latest "N+1" combined function module will also be available at this LABELEXPO, to achieve the scalability of the equipment according to the actual needs of customers; 


                The mystery of more equipment is waiting for you to experience it on the spot at Booth B75... 


                二、Machine vision AOI equipment


                And booth B65, which is across the main road in Hall E1, will also be our machine vision AOI equipment display area; 


                There are familiar old friend models


                SPRINT—350S combination model


                PAIM-350S standard model


                First sample to test PPS-300 model


                Small leaflet optical quality inspection VIM-210 model


                There is also the latest online cloud production management system and so on... 



                Full of sincerity, all at Booth B65 

                Labelexpo, welcome to booth B65+B75 to witness PULISI's latest integrated solutions for piezoelectric digital inkjet printing and diversified overall solutions for machine vision AOI equipment.