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                Company News

                Company News

                The PULISI team participated in the Korean exhibition and gained a lot

                Release date:2022-09-27

                The 2022 Korea Packaging and Printing Exhibition K-Print was successfully concluded on August 27, 2022. Pulisi, together with its team and machines, was invited to participate in the exhibition and gained a lot.


                Pulisi booth


                At K-Print, the Korea Packaging and Printing Exhibition in 2022, Pulisi is the first high-end one-stop visual technology application service overall solution provider in China to participate in the professional exhibition of the Korean printing industry,This is due to the layout of Pulisi Division in the global industry.



                The South Korean region is one of the important strategic locations in the global distribution area of Pulisi. The quality inspection machines produced have been selling well in South Korea for several years, and have been unanimously recognized by Korean consumers in terms of quality, service and after-sales. This has also laid a solid brand foundation and customer reputation for the sales of our subsequent digital printing machines, digital cold foil stamping machines, and large and wide-format digital machines in South Korea and even the Asia-Pacific region.



                During the three-day exhibition period, Pulisi is located at booth D400, welcomed thousands of new and old friends from the industry around the world to visit and consult. Among them, the digital printing, die-cutting and slitting machine innovatively developed by Pulisi has attracted great interest from Korean customers and even global customers. Pulisi innovation links the production of printing and die-cutting slitting and assembly, realizing one-stop operation from pre-press to post-press, which greatly saves manpower and material resources. Many customers visited and consulted in the South Korea exhibition hall after the exhibition.


                The Aobead digital printing machine on sale also conquered the audience with its own strength, and a large number of "fans" of Pulisi were produced on the spot. The unique multi-level ink droplet technology optimizes the printing precision of the label, the pixels are clear, the printing is smooth, and there is an ultra-high 95% ink utilization rate... Many customers come to the Korean exhibition hall to visit and consult again, and have also accumulated a batch of Aobead Potential global customers.


                General Manager Liu Lu (the second from the right) and the Russian agent (the first from the left),Indian agent (second from left), Korean agent (second from right)


                Russian agents and Indian agents also gathered with us at this booth to entertain guests from all over the world. Conspiracy the future planning and development of Pulisi. After the exhibition, the machines on display will also be delivered directly to customers.


                While exhibiting our products and equipment, Pulisi actively communicates with customers from all over the world, understands their business needs and opinions, and always takes customer needs as the market orientation. It is hoped that through this exhibition, Pulisi can provide more professional one-stop visual technology application service overall solutions for more companies around the world.


                At the exhibition site, we welcome every visiting customer with full enthusiasm and rigorous working attitude, and provide high-quality consulting services. We also welcome customers from all over the world to come to Guangzhou headquarters for consultation, visit and making free printing sample.



                Display Equipment Review 



                AOBEAD UV inkjet digital printing machine 



                AOBEAD digital printing machine is suitable for most film materials, such as PET/PVC/PP/PE/BOPP and other films, some paper materials: synthetic paper, coated paper and aluminum foil and other special materials. The advantages are also obvious. This machine can meet the demands of customized and small batched order, which fully meets the diversified needs of the market at this stage.


                AOBEAD digital printing machine specific advantages

                Automatic nozzle cleaning function

                Simplify the nozzle cleaning and maintenance process, one-click to start automatic cleaning, and all nozzle cleaning can be completed within 2 minutes

                Wall steel plate frame


                Thickened wall panels ensure stable operation of the equipment, stable tension, convenient and labor-saving roll change

                Comparable to the traditional excellent quality output

                Apply multi-level ink drop technology to optimize the printing precision of labels, super-real simulation spot color full color output

                Post-press inspection and quality control system


                Quickly switch to establish a product quality inspection template, which can effectively find related quality defects such as knife wires, mosquitoes, dirty spots, missing printing, flying ink, overprint deviation, wrinkles, and color difference in post-press products

                Support variable data high-speed printing, code reading and identification


                The variable data processing system can easily realize variable data printing such as one-dimensional code, two-dimensional code, serial number, dot matrix code, etc

                Easy to operate, wizard-style process steps


                Simplify redundant operations, easy to understand, and improve job processing speed




                The visual advantages of the full-servo automatic quality inspection machine


                A new generation of visual defect detection software, the latest AI image algorithm and system deep learning function, comes with a variety of defect recognition algorithms, AI feature extraction algorithms, new micro-text positioning recognition detection, powerful data processing capabilities, to provide customers with stable and reliable Machine vision quality inspection product demand.




                PULISI Full Servo Automatic Quality Inspection Machine PEAIM-350ST


                Independent research and development of AI image algorithm detection and deep learning functions


                Complete machine research and development, equipment production and manufacturing integration capabilities, integrated industrial equipment body, to ensure the stability of equipment in high-speed operation


                PDF first sample intelligent comparison software, solve the text content defect comparison on the first sample, and perform 1-to-1 comparison after text recognition



                The new micro-text positioning and recognition detection, to prevent the occurrence of small defects such as hyphenation, broken and unrecognized



                A variety of defect recognition algorithms can be independently selected according to industry characteristics and product characteristics


                Automatic machine vision positioning to eliminate defective products and automatically replace good products, saving time and labor, and saving labor cost


                Relying on powerful data software processing capabilities, it can generate real-time inspection reports online and generate inspection reports required by different customers


                Online cloud management and control center, which can monitor the status of devices under the same network segment and check the corresponding detection data



                 Scope of application






                The visual advantages of the full-servo automatic quality inspection machine


                PULISI Die cutting machine with slitting device


                The all-in-one die-cutting and slitting machine sold by Pulisi in this exhibition innovatively combines die-cutting and slitting to link and assemble, improving its advantages and achieving the effect of one plus one greater than two, and the on-site customers responded enthusiastically. Combining the two processes reduces the complicated debugging and testing after printing, and saves time and labor costs; the die-cutting and slitting effects are not inferior to the previous two machine processes.



                In this exhibition, Pulisi has gained a lot, not only gained a batch of potential customers from all over the world, but also made some new friends. We would like to thank our Korean friends again for their warm hospitality, as well as the trust and favor of new and old customers around the world at K-Print, a packaging and printing exhibition in Korea. All pre-orders have also been placed and produced according to the order process, which will surely live up to expectations!




                General Manager Liu Lu with korean friends