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                Company News

                Company News

                PULISI landed at Labelexpo Americas 2022 with impressive results

                Release date:2022-09-27

                The Chicago Label Printing Exhibition will be successfully concluded from September 13th to 15th, 2022 at the Stephens Convention Center in Chicago, USA. After participating in this exhibition, the Pulisi team gained a lot and successfully expanded a new field in the global business section.


                The general manager of the Indian branch, Mr. Amit., is in full charge of this exhibition. During the three-day exhibition period, the Pulisi at booth 5933 welcomed new and old friends from all over the world to visit and consult. On-site customers have shown great interest in Pulisi machinery and equipment. Whether it is UV digital printing machine, UV digital cold foil stamping machine or full-servo automatic quality inspection machine, Made in China has once again proved itself with strength and achievements, and successfully Signed a North American sales agent for the US and Mexico markets,an AOBEAD digital printing and a PULISI full servo automatic quality inspection machine were signed on site.

                The second harvest is that PULISI has decided to set up an demonstration hall in Mexico to display PULISI new machines, which is expected to be put into use next year, will take great conveniences and better services to our customers in North America and surrounding areas. At the same time, we will participate in LABELEXPO MEXICO 2023, warmly welcome our old and new customers from all over the world. 



                Thirdly, we also visited our customers in and around the United States to express our gratitude to them for choosing our machinery and equipment.Inquired about their feelings, opinions and usage needs of our machinery and equipment,provides new ideas for the improvement and development of our new machines.


                There is a huge gap in the high-end digital printing and printing industry in the global market, and Pulisi is also confident to take the North American market as an anchor in the global market and gradually enter other European and American markets.


                Mr. Amit. (right), General Manager of India Branch, 

                and Newly Signed Mexican U.S. Agent


                Customers consulted on site


                While exhibiting our products and equipment, we welcome every visiting customer with full enthusiasm and rigorous working attitude, and provide high-quality inquiry services. And actively communicate with customers from all over the world, understand the pain points and needs of users, and be guided by customer needs, and will produce more high-end, high-quality machinery and equipment in the future.


                After ten years, Pulisi has been on the road of innovative research and development. The large-format digital printing machine to be delivered recently has set a new industry record, with a maximum width of 120cm. There will be related reports in the future, welcome to follow us.



                AOBEAD large-width digital printing machine (line draft diagram) 


                AOBEAD digital printing machine is suitable for most film materials, This machine can realize customized, small batch orders, fully meet the diversified needs of the market at this stage. It has the advantages of automatic nozzle cleaning function, excellent quality output comparable to the traditional, post-press inspection quality control system, and easy operation.



                AOBEAD UV inkjet digital printing machine 


                A new generation of visual defect detection software, the latest AI image algorithm and system deep learning function, comes with a variety of defect recognition algorithms, AI feature extraction algorithms, new micro-text positioning recognition detection, powerful data processing capabilities, to provide customers with stable and reliable Machine vision quality inspection product demand.


                PULISI Full Servo Automatic Quality Inspection Machine PEAIM-350



                The digital cold foil stamping machine is a newly developed machine and equipment of the company. It can provide one-stop service solutions, independent product models, and cooperate with various printing processes such as offset printing, silk screen printing, gravure printing, etc. to complete post-press efficiency and improve products. It is especially suitable for the synergistic printing of daily chemical labels, wine labels, wine box packaging, and better cosmetic packaging.

                From soft shrink materials to non-coated substrates, highly variable UV coating 3D synergies and digital cold foil synergies can be achieved to create 3D stereoscopic effects and shimmering metallic luster for prints.


                AOBEAD UV digital cold foil stamping machine


                Our Guangzhou Pulisi headquarters factory also has various digital printing-related equipment such as splitting machine, full-servo automatic Replacement and Complementary Machines. Welcome new and old friends from all over the world to visit Guangzhou to visit machinery and equipment, custom machines, and we supply free sample making service. 



                From September 22nd to 25th, the 20th Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City International Printing and Packaging Industry Exhibition, we will see you!