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                Company News

                Company News

                Need to know about pre-holiday maintenance of full servo quality inspection machine

                Release date:2022-10-04

                The Seven Days of Happy National Day is coming! I know that many people can't hold back their restless hearts to celebrate their motherland's  birthday, and so does the editor.


                In the past few days, the editor has seen the notices of label printing companies preparing for a holiday in the circle of friends. Most of the printing companies have a holiday ranging from 3-7 days, and a few are in 9 days(very envious).


                As the saying goes, "If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tool". Due to the busy production tasks, there is no much time to thoroughly clean and maintain the quality inspection equipment, and this holiday is long, so it is very necessary to take a day before the holiday to thoroughly clean the equipment, and you must not neglect to maintain the quality inspection machine before the holiday!




                Maintenance points



                The sanitation of the machine and cabinet must be cleaned, and the door of the electric cabinet must be closed to prevent rodents from entering and damaging the components; 



                Lubricating oil and anti-rust oil for transmission parts such as slitting and breaking modules; 



                The main power supply of the machine is guaranteed to be cut off to avoid accidents; 



                The UPS power switch is ensured to be turned off to ensure that the UPS power supply is disconnected from the output, so as to avoid the phenomenon of inability to charge when the power is discharged during the long holiday; 



                Air filter, solenoid valve intake pipe is drained of accumulated water to avoid freezing and corrosion of solenoid valve working parts due to long-term non-working; 



                The lifting device is guaranteed to be lowered to a low position to ensure that the solenoid valve and the motor are in a no-load state; 



                Clean up the expired work files accumulated for a long time. 



                The above are some precautions for equipment maintenance before the festival. Of course, there are many places that need to be maintained. I hope that through this article, you can find more places that need maintenance and maintain them. Only with good maintenance can you create greater value for the enterprise.


                Of course, it is also the key to develop the habit of maintaining equipment in the usual production process. If you have any doubts during the maintenance process, please contact the person in charge of our technical support department or the corresponding regional engineer:

                Overseas Regions 

                Liu Gong:+86-18578347960


                North and Northeast China 

                Wei Gong:+86-18026432711


                East China 

                Wu Gong:+86-18102700247

                Mao Gong:+86-136064403823


                Central China 

                Huang Gong:15521174013


                South China 

                Huang Gong:+86-15521174013

                Deng Gong:+86-13048063621


                Northwest and Southwest Region 

                Deng Gong:+86-13048063621