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                Company News

                Company News

                Maintenance of AOBEAD Digital Machine

                Release date:2022-10-04

                AOBEAD digital machine maintenance method/


                Dear customers and friends, you are on vacation to cultivate, and remember to do "maintenance" for the machine, so that it can work better for us only after it is rejuvenated. Now editor intimately presents the machine holiday maintenance method for everyone, remember to forward and bookmark, to maintain the machine during the holiday, can ensure the normal and efficient operation after the holiday!




                Holiday within 3 days

                During holidays within 3 days, the nozzles and equipment should be maintained according to the normal operating procedures for commuting to and from get off work. The operations are as follows:




                Print the state diagram of the print head to see if there is a Nozzle print disconnection, if so, the nozzle print disconnection needs to be dealt with.



                Wipe the ink absorber clean with a dust-free cloth。



                Turn off the printing software, automatically cleaning, turn off the code injection power supply, and wipe the residual ink on the surface of the print head with a dust-free cloth.



                Turn off the main power when the equipment is in a sealed state.



                Clean up the suction bottom plate, paper pressing roller, traction roller and residual ink to avoid affecting the printing quality.



                The nozzle filter needs to be replaced every 1-3 months, depending on the usage time, it needs to be replaced once a month for a long usage time, and it can be replaced every 3 months for a short usage time.



                It is necessary to clean the ink of the automatic ink absorption and diverter cabinet once a week to avoid the ink entering the fan and causing damage.



                It is necessary to clean the ink in Left and right ink trays and waste ink bucket once a week to avoid the overflow of waste ink.



                It is necessary to check whether the ink tube, air tube and circuit are corroded by ink and whether there is looseness in one week.



                Holiday more than 3 days


                If the holiday is more than 3 days, the device needs to be operated every 3 days. The specific operations are as follows:



                Turn on the machine to preheat to the set temperature.



                Clean the ink absorber with a dust-free cloth.



                Print the state diagram of the print head after automatic ink cleaning (see if there is a print disconnection).



                Printing four-color documents 50 meters.



                Print the state diagram of the print head to see if there is a Nozzle print disconnection, if so, the nozzle print disconnection needs to be dealt with.



                Turn off the printing software, automatically cleaning, turn off the code injection power supply, and wipe the residual ink on the surface of the print head with a dust-free cloth.



                Turn off the main power when the equipment is in a sealed state.



                Clean up the suction bottom plate, paper pressing roller, traction roller and residual ink to avoid affecting the printing quality.



                Clean up the suction bottom plate, paper pressing roller, traction roller and residual ink to avoid affecting the printing quality.



                Clean the ink in Left and right ink trays and waste ink bucket once a week to avoid the overflow of waste ink.



                It is necessary to check whether the ink tube, air tube and circuit are corroded by ink and whether there is looseness.

                The above are some precautions for equipment maintenance before the festival. Of course, there are many places that need to be maintained. I hope that through this article, you can find more places that need maintenance and maintain them. Only with good maintenance can you create greater value for the enterprise.



                Of course, it is also the key to develop the habit of maintaining equipment in the usual production process. If you have any doubts during the maintenance process, please contact the person in charge of our technical support department or the corresponding regional engineer:

                Overseas Regions 

                Liu Gong:+86-18578347960


                North and Northeast China 

                Wei Gong:+86-18026432711


                East China 

                Wu Gong:+86-18102700247

                Mao Gong:+86-136064403823


                Central China 

                Huang Gong:15521174013


                South China 

                Huang Gong:+86-15521174013

                Deng Gong:+86-13048063621


                Northwest and Southwest Region 

                Deng Gong:+86-13048063621