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                Company News

                Company News

                PULISI successfully participated in the 18th Annual Conference of Packaging Printing and Labeling in 2022.

                Release date:2022-11-17


                The 18th Annual Conference on Packaging, Printing and Labeling in 2022 ended successfully in Chengdu from November 6th to 8th. Prism was invited to participate in the exhibition and gave a keynote speech at the exhibition. Mr. Feifei Song, Sales Director of Pulisi, said: "Participation in this exhibition is of great significance to Pulisi and has gained a lot."

                The leaders of packaging industry associations in Sichuan, Chengdu and Luzhou attended the meeting, and more than 580 representatives attended the annual meeting. It is divided into carton packaging printing technology forum, flexible packaging printing technology forum, label printing technology forum, and also holds packaging printing and label works awards.


                Feifei Song, Sales Director of Pulisi, gave a keynote speech report "From Machine Vision to Digital Printing, Building an Integrated Printing and Inspection Factory Digital Platform" at the Label Printing Technology Forum, focusing on demonstrating the fully automatic RFID electronic label developed and produced by our company. The research and development and application of 100% quality inspection machine, AOBEAD DPIM series multi-function digital printing machine and AOBEAD digital cold foil stamping machine DCFS series. AOBEAD multi-function digital printing machine DPMI series mainly have customized pre-flexo printing to do digital coating to deal with different materials; front flexo printing can be expanded to 2-3 colors or post flexo printing; front flexo cold foil stamping + digital printing; digital printing + Digital varnish + digital cold foil stamping and other functions can be used in high-end cosmetics, wine labels, food and medicine and other fields. 


                Song Feifei, Sales Director of General Manager, is giving a speech


                For this exhibition, Director Song was very impressed: "Participation in this exhibition is of great significance to Pulisi and has gained a lot." First of all, it has strengthened the promotion of our brand in the southwest region and expanded our influence in this region. , and also laid the foundation for us to expand potential customers. 

                Secondly, I learned about the needs of large packaging customers of soft packaging. This provides direction for the development of our follow-up products.


                Third, at the exhibition site, we also displayed the latest printed samples of machinery and equipment, five-color printing + varnish + reverse varnish tracing printing and other finished products, which were watched and favored by many customers at the scene, and some southwest customers were new to Pulisi who have a strong interest in machinery and equipment, and I will make a follow-up appointment for sample printing. Pulisi is honored to be able to effectively provide substantial assistance to local printing companies in Southwest China, and will continue to provide customers with customized overall application solutions for piezoelectric inkjet technology.

                Fourth, many old customers——for example,Chengdu Tianxing also came to the scene.We exchanged feelings, communicated about the latest machine situation, and made an appointment to follow up and visit again. For new prospective customers, we will also make a key visit.


                On site sample display










                Static electricity protection, equipped with a static-removing rope to avoid accumulating static electricity from damaging the label;


                Automatically remove and supplement the standard device, automatically remove the defective products, and automatically replace the good products

                Full servo high-speed feeding platform, stable feeding and high control precision


                AOBEAD DPIM series multifunctional UV digital printing machine





                Automatic print head cleaning function, one key to start automatic cleaning;


                Comparable to the traditional excellent quality output, the application of multi-level ink droplet technology optimizes the printing precision of the label, and the ultra-real simulation spot color full color output;


                Support variable data high-speed printing, code reading and recognition, and easily realize variable data printing such as one-dimensional code, two-dimensional code, serial number, dot matrix code, etc.;


                Added the post-press inspection quality control system, simplify redundant operations, easy to understand, and improve job processing speed.


                AOBEAD DCFS digital cold foil stamping machine





                No need for hot stamping plate, no varnishing plate, no need for yin and yang for embossing, all digital operations, and no plate cost!

                Due to the variable flexibility of UV digital cold foil stamping, one to start printing can provide customers with multiple solutions at one time, save the finalization time and sample making costs for customers, and truly realize the digitization of metallic colors;

                It can realize the superimposed application of various post-press processes such as cold foil stamping, 3D bumping and stacking, partial varnish, and secondary tracing printing cold stamping. At the same time, the post-print pattern is clear and beautiful, and the brightness and thickness of cold foil stamping are far superior to traditional printing。

                Our Guangzhou Pulisi headquarters factory also has various digital printing-related equipment such as splitting machine, full-servo automatic Replacement and Complementary Machines. Welcome new and old friends from all over the world to visit Guangzhou to visit machinery and equipment, custom machines, and we supply free sample making service. 



                In the future, Pulisi will continue to be customer-oriented, produce machines and equipment that meet customer needs and exceed industry standards, and help build a digital platform for an integrated printing and inspection factory.


                PULISI  Honor Wall









                Sichuan Tianxing Intelligent Packaging Co., Ltd. was established in October 2010 with a paid-in capital of 49.2 million yuan and an annual sales income of nearly 200 million yuan. It is located in Sino-German Industrial Park, Pujiang County, Chengdu, covering an area of more than 12,000 square meters. It is a national high-tech technology company.



                The company adheres to the development route of combining innovation and practice, combines product design, user services and modern information technology, adopts cloud storage, cloud computing, big data analysis and other technologies, and integrates intelligent packaging technology with Internet and Internet of Things technologies application, realize the whole life cycle information management of products from smart production, smart logistics to smart consumption, provide enterprises with personalized data services, add energy to the industrial chain, enhance the added value of products, and help traditional enterprises to digitally transform, so as to build a new type of business model to create a new value chain and ecosystem.


                Sichuan Tianxing has forged a deep friendship with PULISI. As a regular customer of PULISI, Tianxing purchased a quality inspection machine shortly after the product inspection machine was officially launched on the market. Later, with the expansion of business, Tianxing re purchased one full servo automatic quality inspection machine from PULISI. The use of the two sets of equipment not only improved the efficiency of Tianxing and doubled its production capacity, but also made Tianxing remember the company PULISI, a brand specializing in machine vision, and created a full sense of trust.



                In March 2022, based on the trust in the product quality and after-sales service of PULISI, Tianxing purchased a AOBEAD UV inkjet digital printing machine . In June, the AOBEAD UV inkjet digital printing machine produced by PULISI was officially put into use, which enabled part of the traditional silk-screen printing orders of Tianxing to be converted into digital printing. The efficiency was increased by 3-4 times, the timeliness was greatly improved, and their rapid response and response ability to customized and personalized customer demand short orders were also improved. On this basis, Tianxing has broadened the short board of customized production that it did not have originally, and has also received more and more support from this group of customers. Up to now, the original single shift production line has been transformed into a double shift production line, which ensures the smooth order of customers and high-quality production to the greatest extent. We believe that the digital machines and quality inspection machines produced by PULISI, will provide more support and guarantee for the flexible production and service of the company.


                The story of the two-way journey between PULISI and its customers will continue.