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                Fully automatic 100% quality inspection machine  PAIM-350PRS

                Fully automatic 100% quality inspection machine PAIM-350PRS

                Performance Characteristics

                1. Wide range of application - for daily chemical, food, pharmaceutical, anti-counterfeiting, one-dimensional code, two-dimensional code, OCR code, hot stamping, RFID antenna, PVC, OPP, transparent, holographic and other labels.
                2. Full detection function – having the function of detecting conventional printing defects as well as the function of detecting defects such as bubbles, scratches and glue overflow.
                3. Automatic rejection of defective products - one key to automatically reject defective products, saving time and effort.
                4. Automatic replenishment of good products - automatically replenish the good products with one click, saving time and effort.

                Maximum detection speed
                Material width range
                Maximum slitting speed
                Minimum slitting width
                Image acquisition resolution
                4K color camera: 0.08mm (width) × 0.08mm (length) 8K color camera: 0.04mm (width) × 0.04mm (length)
                Maximum detection accuracy
                Minimum color difference accuracy
                ? E≥3
                Maximum tick replenishment speed
                Maximum filler accuracy
                Maximum winding diameter
                Maximum unwinding load weight
                Machine weight
                Machine size
                Applicable industries
                Applicable label types: daily chemical, food, pharmaceutical, printing and packaging, cosmetics, anti-counterfeiting, 3C electronics and other industries
                Applicable label materials: non-transparent labels, transparent labels, PVC, OPP, holographic, laser, camera visible oil, film
                Detectable defects: deficiency, dirty spots, die-cutting, inaccurate registration, color difference, scratches, hot stamping, camera-visible bubbles, camera-visible glue overflow.
                Variable information detection types
                One-dimensional code detection: CODE128, ITF, CDDE39, CDDE93, EAN8, UPCA, UPCE, CODABAR
                Two-dimensional code detection: OR, DM, PDF417
                Variable information law detection: deficiency, sequential, empty number, heavy number, wrong number, bad code

                Applicable cases