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                Company News

                Company News

                Announcement of AOBEAD and SANOES sub-brands

                Release date:2021-08-19



                Digital printing sub-brand

                AOBEAD, confirm every wonderful moment 

                Mathematical Olympiad: high and deep, representing the quality of science and technology;

                Comparing: For the sake of competition and competence, the ratio of strength is steadily advancing in the competition;

                Reach: to reach and reach; highlight the meaning of the enterprise mission must be reached; 

                It symbolizes the independent innovation and independent research and development of the multifunctional digital printing machine, which has excellent quality and technology, has market competitiveness, and fully meets the market terminal demand and customer production orientation.

                And AOBEAD’s digital technology R&D team will also provide customers with the entire business development and production process from application analysis, pre-press process, process analysis, digital proofing, trial production, batch orders, etc., to provide a one-stop pre-sales and after-sales service supply chain Solutions to promote the upgrading of sub-brand services;


                Quality Inspection Machine Sub-brand 

                Sanoes, be your testing expert 

                LOGO graphics creative ideas

                Brand meaning






                SANOES’ quality inspection technology R&D team will continue to provide customers with machine vision inspection technology innovation services. The system will better optimize AI intelligent image algorithms and deep learning principles, train and obtain defect detection capabilities, and be more efficient and more efficient. Stable detection rate. 

                By establishing the two sub-brands of SANOES and AOBEAD, PULISI will continue to form a confluence of resources in intelligent manufacturing in the future, and create a leading, comprehensive and complete intelligent manufacturing terminal demand service team and related services for AOBEAD (digital machine) and SANOES (quality inspection machine). The complete after-sales service system of the business continues to provide high-quality products and services for market terminal demands such as digital printing and machine vision inspection.