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                Company News

                Company News

                PULISI enables assembly cleanroom operations

                Release date:2021-08-19

                In the ever-developing wave of intelligent manufacturing production, clean and dust-free, constant temperature and anti-static assembly workshops have become another assembly system standard for PULISI's innovative manufacturing, and it is also a solid foundation for PULISI's manufacturing to strictly control quality and keep improving.


                A clean workshop is also called a clean room or a clean room. It refers to the removal of particulates, harmful air, bacteria and other pollutants in the air within a certain space, and the indoor temperature, cleanliness, indoor pressure, The air velocity and air distribution, noise vibration and lighting, static electricity are controlled within a certain demand range, and a specially designed room is given. 






                The assembly clean workshop was officially launched, entering the ranks of dust-free assembly manufacturers 


                In the clean assembly workshop of PULISI, technicians wearing anti-static and dust-proof clothing are busy in front of the equipment. From the time they enter the clean assembly workshop, technicians need to replace anti-static clothing, wash hands, disinfect and remove dust, etc., in order to fully guarantee the factory. The quality of the products, the assembly clean workshop has achieved normal operation. 


                By standardizing the workshop operations and cleanliness standards of the assembly clean room, and at the same time using a special vacuum cleaner with a high-efficiency filter, a dry mist humidifier watering can for spray humidification, so that the humidity of the assembly clean room is controlled within a reasonable range, and the clean room of the assembly is guaranteed. Clean and dust-free, avoid the phenomenon of electrostatic dust, and maximize the production quality of assembly and assembly and the accuracy of subsequent equipment testing. 




                Behind every piece of equipment leaving the factory is the empowerment of the assembly clean workshop 


                "Real high-quality products have been escorted for the quality of each piece before assembly and production." The current start-up of the assembly clean workshop will bring more high-precision and high-performance factory equipment products to PULISI customers, so that the equipment can better enter the working state and play the equipment characteristics more efficiently!