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                Company News

                Company News

                Aobead digital printing proofing center officially opened

                Release date:2021-08-19

                In order to better and faster meet the pre-sales needs of customers for samples and samples, our long-planned non-plate digital proofing production center has officially opened to the outside world, based on the beginning of making complex pre-press problems simple and orderly , A personalized digital printing service that quickly meets the needs of new and old customers with their own materials or specified needs. 


                The multi-function digital printer DPIM-330 is widely applicable to various printing materials, such as: pearl film, synthetic paper, BOPP, transparent PE, light silver, matte silver, aluminum foil and other special materials, fully demonstrating that the DPIM series can cope with various types of materials. Flexibility and applicability in digital production.


                Intelligent "platelessness" has gradually become the main trend in the future. In the future, AOBEAD will also develop more plateless digital printing and proofing production centers in East China, North China, and Southwest China to meet more and more regional customer groups.



                We believe that with the continuous progress of digital printing technology and the continuous reduction of material costs, digital printing applications will achieve a blowout development.