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                Company News

                Company News

                PULISI invites you to go to IOTE 2021 Shenzhen Station

                Release date:2021-08-19

                The 16th IOTE2021 International Internet of Things Exhibition (Shenzhen Station) will kick off at the Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center from October 23rd to October 25th, 2021. This is a grand event dedicated to people-to-products and solutions for the Internet of Things Carnival.


                At that time, PULISI's sub-brand SANOES will make its debut at IOTE2021 Shenzhen Internet of Things Exhibition!


                We will bring the newly developed RFID electronic label automatic correction 100% testing equipment to help those manufacturers of RFID tags, NFC electronic tags, smart cards and other manufacturers to provide an overall solution for post-press visual inspection! 


                Performance Highlights 


                ★ It is suitable for reading, writing and testing of high-frequency and ultra-high-frequency RFID chips. It has an upper light source and a bottom light source at the same time, which can detect the appearance defects of the RFID chip and the built-in chip circuit;

                ★ Independent research and development of 12 software detection algorithms, RFID chip data reading and writing system, perfect solution to RFID label appearance detection, chip data recognition and reading;

                ★ Automatically reject defective products and automatically replenish good products for damaged RFID chip tags detected;

                ★Multiple static electricity safety protection, equipped with anti-static rope, to avoid accumulating static electricity from damaging the RFID chip.


                Equipment Honor



                —  Recognized as "High-tech Product of Guangdong Province"   —



                — Selected in "Guangzhou Innovative Product Catalog"  —

                At present, the equipment has been exported to the United States, Switzerland, the Netherlands and other domestic regions, and has been unanimously recognized by CCL Label AG, CCL LABEL INC.-HIGHTSTOWN, CHECKPOINT APPAEREL LABELING B, .V. and other Fortune 500 companies; 


                Domestic regions also have its presence in East China, East China and other regions. Well-known domestic companies such as Shanghai Ethiopia Electronics and Shenzhen Mingshengda also favor this equipment! ! 


                when technology is productivity, PULISI always regards the enhancement of independent innovation capability as the key to the development and growth of the company; it has successively accepted and authorized more than 110 intellectual property patents and 6 international patents. This is a solid foundation for the improvement of the company’s comprehensive strength.  is also a strong proof of its product research and development capabilities and technical strength.