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                Company News

                Company News

                2021 China International Label Innovation Development Forum

                Release date:2021-08-19

                On October 19, the 2021 China International Label Innovation Development Forum-Chongqing Station was held at the Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel in Chongqing. 


                PULISI also brought machine vision AOI equipment systems, piezoelectric inkjet technology and other overall application solutions this time. As the brand partner designated by the conference, PULISI will provide industry experts and brand suppliers, outstanding label printing companies, and brand terminal companies on site. Showcasing the demand application services and digital new technology samples of PULISI sub-brands.

                As a guest speaker at this summit, Mr. Lin Bo, the chairman of our company, separately analyzed and shared the industry prospects of digital printing and PULISI's new digital technology.


                The lucky draw for the evening party, after the Qingdao station, continued to be specially sponsored by PULISI for the first prize draw, which also pushed the atmosphere of the party to a climax. 



                In the future, AOBEAD, a sub-brand of PULISI, will continue to grow, forge ahead, and dedicate better terminal demand solutions and after-sales service support to industry friends... 


                PULISI also brought machine vision AOI equipment systems, piezoelectric inkjet technology and other overall application solutions this time. As the brand partner designated by the conference, PULISI will provide industry experts and brand suppliers, outstanding label printing companies, and brand terminal companies on site. Showcasing the demand application services and digital new technology samples of PULISI sub-brands.