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              1. <blockquote id='EqcBjW'><q id='EqcBjW'><noscript id='EqcBjW'></noscript><dt id='EqcBjW'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='EqcBjW'><i id='EqcBjW'></i>

                Quality Control Type

                Epic Series Large wideth multifunctional digital printing machine

                Epic Series Large wideth multifunctional digital printing machine

                Performance Characteristics

                1. The printing width is 850mm ~ 1500mm, which realizes stepless format transformation and industrial flexible production, and refreshes the width limitation and innovation in the industry;
                2. Wide color gamut printing, wide coverage, can be applied to printing signs, banners, posters, exhibition graphics, wallpapers, murals, fine craft graphics, billboards and so on.
                3. According to the requirements, the effects of integrated digital printing + post-press bronzing/varnish efficiency can be customized, which saves the process time and proofing cost for customers and realizes the digitization of metallic colors at one time.


                Maximum resolution
                600*1200dpi & 600*600dpi  

                Jet printing speed
                60m/min, 30m/min

                Maximum feed width

                Maximum printing width

                Material thickness dimension
                0.02 ~ 0.8 mm

                Type of ink

                UV ink

                Ink color configuration

                CMYK (optional white + digital bronzing/varnish)

                Image acquisition resolution:

                8K color camera: 0.08 mm (width) * 0.08 mm (length)

                Maximum detection width

                Maximum detection accuracy

                Minimum chromatic aberration accuracy
                ? E≥3

                Power supply requirements

                Equipment dimensions

                Applicable industries