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                Quality Control Type

                Elite Series AOBEAD UV inkjet digital printing machine DPIM-330F

                Elite Series AOBEAD UV inkjet digital printing machine DPIM-330F

                Performance Characteristics

                1. It can realize wide printing of 220mm~520mm, and can choose pre-flexographic printing module, flexographic bronzing, printing customized spot color, UV digital cold stamping, film covering module, striping module, online defect quality management system, etc. according to customer needs;
                2. Integrated digital printing and post-press bronzing increase the effect, realizing the digitalization of metallic color at one time;
                3. Easily realize the printing of quantum cloud code, full-color variable code and dot matrix code, with one standard and one code,Realize one printing, different from one to another, and meet the industrial needs of security traceability.

                Case video

                Elite Series AOBEAD UV inkjet digital printing machine DPIM-330F
                Elite Series AOBEAD UV inkjet digital printing machine DPIM-330F
                Maximum resolution
                Spraying speed
                Material width range
                Material thickness size
                Ink type
                UV ink
                Ink configuration
                The standard mode is CMYK, and white+custom spot color (purple, orange and green) can be selected.
                Maximum detection accuracy
                Relative humidity
                40%-60%(no condensation)
                Ambient temperature
                Power supply requirement
                Equipment weight
                Equipment size

                Applicable industries

                Applicable materials
                Film: PET/PVC/PP/PE/BOPP and other films
                Paper: synthetic paper, coated paper and aluminum foil and other special materials

                Applicable label industries